How much does a london escort make in a month

How much does a london escort make in a month

Are you thinking about finding a job with a London escorts service? A lot of girls in London do not realise how little they earn. I used to work in an office before I joined London escorts and started to earn some decent money. The company that I worked for paid me about £20,000 per year, but now I earn many times that. In the last four years, I have been able to purchase two properties here in London. I live in one of them, and rent the other one out. If you like, one of them is my retirement income.

Of course, it took me a little a little while to get there and achieving fantastic income with London escorts is not always that easy. Just like in any other job, you have to be prepared to work hard, and the hours that you have to work are fairly long. Most of the girls here at London escorts at Charlotte Finchley escorts work on the night shift as this is the better earnings opportunity.  If you are prepared to work Friday night for a London escorts service, you can do really well.

Not all of my income from London escorts have comes from what my dates at London escorts dates pay me. Sometimes gents will give you nice gifts as well. During my time at the agency, I have had some really great gifts and I have not paid for any of my holidays. One guy that I used to date from Dubai even bought me a flawless diamond. I ended up selling that when he left London and that was a fantastic bit of income which went towards one of my apartments.

I have to be honest and say that most of the time, I live off my daily tips. The money that gents at London escorts pay me for dating time, goes straight into the bank and stays there. Most of the time, I make enough money in tips in a day to cover my living expenses for that one week. The rest is just pocket money if you like, and allows me to buy what I need to continue my work at London escorts. It is nice to be able to sit back and watch your bank balance grow.

Like so many other girls here at London escorts, I know that my career time is limited. At the moment I look really good, but I am not going to able to hang onto those good looks forever. Some of the girls here at London escorts plan to stay forever and have gone in for plastic surgery That is not for me at all. I know that it is hard to find a job when you leave an agency, but I know that I will have enough of a personal income when I leave the agency. Perhaps I will start my own business, or go on a very long cruise. I am not sure what I am going to do yet, but I would urge all escorts not to waste their money. Spend it on something useful to make sure that you are set up for the rest of your life when you leave the London escort service.
